This manual aims to provide practical guidance on the identification and selection of quality children’s reading materials for home use, and the identification or design of accompanying materials for caregivers...
Learning poverty is the measure of the number of children who cannot read and understand a simple story by age 10. Half of the world’s children experience learning poverty, failing to acquire foundational...
Radio has been a critical tool to ensure the continuity of learning in the face external shocks. Sierra Leone has used this tool both when Ebola struck, and now, with COVID-19. What can we learn from their...
This manual aims to provide practical guidance on the identification and selection of quality children’s reading materials for home use, and the identification or design of accompanying materials for caregivers...
The overall objective of the Public Expenditure Review (PER) for primary and secondary education is to assess the quality and efficiency of public spending on education in order to recommend measures to...
This manual aims to provide practical guidance on the identification and selection of quality children’s reading materials for home use, and the identification or design of accompanying materials for caregivers...
This study aims to provide guidance to the Government of Sierra Leone in how to translate investments in education into quality learning. It centers on teachers, the single most important predictor of...
The overall objective of the Public Expenditure Review (PER) for primary and secondary education is to assess the quality and efficiency of public spending on education in order to recommend measures to...
This manual aims to provide practical guidance on the identification and selection of quality children’s reading materials for home use, and the identification or design of accompanying materials for caregivers...
This manual aims to provide practical guidance on the identification and selection of quality children’s reading materials for home use, and the identification or design of accompanying materials for caregivers...
Education is a right with immense inherent value. As an essential building block for a country’s human capital, it is also a key driver of growth, competitiveness, and economic development. For societies...
Mis manos te enseñan (My hands teach you) was launched by the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) in response to the temporary closure of early childhood development (ECD) Services due to...
All children should be able to read by age 10. Reading is a gateway for learning as the child progresses through school—and conversely, an inability to read slams that gate shut. Beyond this, when children...
In recent years, skills development has become a priority among developed and developing countries alike. The World Bank Group, in its quest to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity, has joined...
In recent years, skills development has become a priority among developed and developing countries alike. The World Bank Group, in its quest to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity, has joined...
In recent years, skills development has become a priority among developed and developing countries alike. The World Bank Group, in its quest to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity, has joined...