Private financial flows to developing countries, such as debt,equity, remittances, and private charitable giving, have increaseddramatically over the past 20 years. One commentator has eventrumpeted “the...
This Note reviews trends in official development assistance, focusing on volumes, sources, forms, and recipients. Several patterns emerge. First, a long-term trend of official flows taking the form of...
Critics of the aid industry have accused it of acting like a cartel (Easterly 2002). The accusation has some bite-globally the industry remains somewhat concentrated, and for the typical recipient country...
Over the past decade, footwear firms in virtually all industrial countries struggled to compete with low-cost producers especially from the Far East and Brazil. Footwear firms in industrial countries are...
This paper examines the nature and impact of barriers to competition in industrializing countries. The paper argues that policy-generated barriers instituted by regulatory, promotional and trade regimes...