Across Africa, rising mobile phone penetration, improving broadband Internet, and growing use of mobile money are creating new opportunities for governments, businesses, and individuals. Boasting the largest...
Cash transfers and digital payments hold promise for women’s economic empowerment through their potential to enhance women’s privacy, financial autonomy, decision making and labor force participation...
This brief is a part of the Solutions for Youth Employment (S4YE) Knowledge Brief series on the design and implementation of youth employment programs. The digital transformation is creating new job opportunities...
Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: An Overview of Promising Approaches describes a variety of ways to level the pathway for women entering into and progressing in science, technology...
Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: An Overview of Promising Approaches describes a variety of ways to level the pathway for women entering into and progressing in science, technology...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are vital to the economic and social prosperity of countries. Yet, women and girls continue to be underrepresented in STEM careers, although there...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are vital to the economic and social prosperity of countries. Yet, women and girls continue to be underrepresented in STEM careers, although there...
Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: An Overview of Promising Approaches describes a variety of ways to level the pathway for women entering into and progressing in science, technology...
Coding bootcamps have recently emerged as a promising approach to equipping individuals with the skills needed to thrive in digital economies. But despite the potential of these training programs to prepare...
Launched in 2011, the Second Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project (PROGEDE II) for Senegal has been hailed for effectively mainstreaming a gender perspective into an energy project...