This report provides an assessment of the state of the economy in Bangladesh, discussing the outlook, risks, and key reform challenges. It covers: real sector developments, focusing on growth and its components;...
Bangladesh economic expansion continued in FY19, supported by rising exports and record remittances. Inflation remained within the 5.5 percent target, supported by bumper rice harvests. Broad money growth...
Afghanistan faced severe economic headwinds in 2018, with the economy growing by an estimated 1.8 percent. Slow growth was driven by two major factors. Firstly, severe drought had a strong negative impact...
Revenue mobilization is a key constraint to economic development in the Republic of Guinea. The government’s five-year development plan (2016-2020) aims at fostering higher and more inclusive growth through...
Men are the primary consumers of tobacco products in Afghanistan: 48 percent of men from 15–49 years of age that have ever been married use tobacco, compared with 6 percent of women. Approximately 22 percent...
This paper presents options for tobacco taxation to reduce tobacco consumption and increase financing for health programs in Afghanistan. Tobacco consumption is compromising the health of the Afghan population...
This paper presents options for tobacco taxation to reduce tobacco consumption and increase financing for health programs in Afghanistan. Tobacco consumption is compromising the health of the Afghan population...
The Afghanistan Development Update is a twice-annual publication providing analysis of recent developments and presenting the World Bank team’s most-recent macroeconomic projections. The August 2018 edition...
Civil service compensation should attract and retain qualified and diverse staff to deliver public services while remaining fiscally sustainable. However, civil service reform in fragile states is constrained...
Afghanistan’s security environment is continuing to deteriorate. The increased conflict appears to be holding back business and consumer confidence from recovering fully from the impact of the security...
This report presents an overview of current trends in tax policy, tax administration, and international taxation and provides a broad landscape of practical examples drawn from World Bank operations across...
In a conflict-affected and newly independent country like South Sudan, rebuilding public sector capacity is an important aspect of state building, both in the short and in the medium to long term. If capacity...