Considering Romania’s national climate change strategy 2013-2020 and the 2016-2020 national action plan on climate change, the general urban plan of Brasov will focus on building a portfolio of ecosystem...
Considering Romania’s national climate change strategy 2013-2020 and the 2016-2020 national action plan on climate change, the general urban plan of Brasov will focus on building a portfolio of ecosystem...
The phenomenon of migration from rural areas to urban centers is the very essence of people’s desire to live better, in environments adapted to the dynamics of the present and with a clear vision of the...
At Cluj County level, the water and wastewater infrastructure has been analyzed from the perspective of the existing regional systems supplemented by local systems. The two main regional operators: Somes...
The territory is organized along the transport infrastructure. The balanced development of a region or territory closely depends upon the organization of the territorial infrastructure. Thus, the territorial...
The territory is organized along the transport infrastructure. The balanced development of a region or territory closely depends upon the organization of the territorial infrastructure. Thus, the territorial...
At Cluj County level, the water and wastewater infrastructure has been analyzed from the perspective of the existing regional systems supplemented by local systems. The two main regional operators: Somes...
The welfare and the living standard strongly depend on the material and financial resources accessible to the working population. During the last three decades, while the size of the population of Cluj...
The Quality of Government Institute of Gothenburg University has been calculating a quality of government index at regional level (NUTS 2) for the European Commission since 2010. According to this index...
This technical report analyzes the real estate market in Brasov, and proposes three potential scenarios for developing the Subject Site. These scenarios are derived to help the Municipality of Brasov to...
The Constanta metropolitan area has great potential for growth, but fulfilling that potential depends on attracting high added-value investors. The World Bank flagship study magnet cities shows that the...
The strategy for development and promotion of tourism in Constanta City includes an urban planning analysis of the Mamaia National Interest resort, in the form of a case study in the volume dedicated to...
This report explores interjurisdictional cooperation models through three broad lenses: i) International case studies; ii) Romanian legislative framework governing interjurisdictional organizations; and...
This report explores interjurisdictional cooperation models through three broad lenses: i) International case studies; ii) Romanian legislative framework governing interjurisdictional organizations; and...
The need to prepare this deliverable within the Cluj County Spatial Plan, derives from the provisions of the Law no. 350/2001 on urban and spatial planning, with subsequent amendments and completions;...
The need to prepare this deliverable within the Cluj County Spatial Plan, derives from the provisions of the Law no. 350/2001 on urban and spatial planning, with subsequent amendments and completions;...