This article explores the trend toward increased disclosure and participation in the negotiation and implementation of investment contracts. Termed as open contracting, these practices constitute a new...
This report contains detailed studies on the disclosure policy and practice of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in thirteen jurisdictions. The jurisdictions were studied as part of the research and analysis...
This volume presents case studies that highlight elements of good practice for 11 of the 13 jurisdictions studied as part of the research and analysis carried out under the Disclosure in Public-Private...
This working paper includes the following headings: the devastating effects of micronutrient deficiency; Procter and Gamble (P&G): an early innovator in nutritional products; Choco milk and the 'lock and...
This working paper includes the following headings: the devastating effects of micronutrient deficiency; Procter and Gamble (P&G): an early innovator in nutritional products; Choco milk and the 'lock and...
This book is about development and measuring development progress. While precise definitions may vary, development is, at heart, a process of building wealth, the produced, natural, human, and institutional...
India is experiencing a period of high economic growth and rapid social and demographic change. There is increasing concern about the manner in which this transformation is impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic...
In May 2007, Helen Keller International (HKI) announced a new $2.7 million multi-partner public-private initiative to produce vitamin A-fortified cooking oil (oil) in eight countries in West Africa. These...
Recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the philanthropic resources made available for global development, particularly from private sector sources who encourage the increased application of...
This report begins with a guest editorial; by Djordjija B. Petkoski; V. Kasturi, Rangan; and William S. Laufer. The next 4 billion: characterizing Base of the economic pyramid (BoP) markets; by Allen...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: business and poverty: opening markets to the poor by Petkoski, Djordjija B.; Rangan, Kasturi; and Laufer, William S.; the next four billion:...
This book seeks to contribute to the sharing of knowledge between Brazil, India, and South Africa, three of the largest emerging economies today. By assessing and comparing the investment climate in each...
It was early November 2007, and Anurada Narasimhan, Britannia's category manager, headed down the hall to meet with Neeraj Chandra, vice president of marketing, sales, and innovation, and PP Roy, head...
Corruption is an impediment to growth and poverty reduction. As the authors in this issue of Development Outreach well document, corruption limits opportunities, creates inefficiencies and forms additional...
Micronutrient deficiency undermines the potential of billions of people worldwide, limiting both their physical and mental growth during the vital years of childhood. It has rarely featured as a priority...
Businesses are hit hard by HIV/AIDS, but they are also in a unique position to help fight back. The private sector interacts with most HIV infected people in a country-directly in employment relations...
The state of corporate governance can have an important effect on the availability and cost of capital for all firms, and good corporate governance of financial firms is essential in fostering financial...
The three Central American countries examined in this study suffered violent internal conflicts during the 1980s but faced the 1990s largely at peace and with a renewed sense of hope. As in most post-conflict...