In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up ‘Invest in Pomerania’ (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination...
In 2011, the Pomerania region of Poland set up ‘Invest in Pomerania’ (IiP) as its regional investment promotion agency. Several local institutions together launched IiP to ensure regional coordination...
The development of a new foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy for Uzbekistan comes at an important moment to support Uzbekistan’s new development objectives. The report provides core inputs and elements...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can bring many benefits to Kosovo’s economy, creating more and better jobs and spurring greater and more resilient economic growth. Many transition economies have used FDI...
North Macedonia has made considerable progress in recent decades, moving from lower-middle to upper-middle income status, and from a planned to a functional market economy. Despite these reforms, the domestic...
This handbook has been developed to provide instruction on the design and implementation of incentives for resource-efficiency purposes. The target audience is World Bank staff and stakeholders who are...