This paper applies novel techniques to long-standing questions of aid effectiveness. It first replicates findings that donor finance is discernibly but weakly associated with sector outcomes in recipient...
The cities of Japan are an exceptional source of learning on competitiveness of cities. They have recovered from disaster, dealt with population influx, industrialized at a rapid pace, responded to environmental...
The cities of Japan are an exceptional source of learning on competitiveness of cities. They have recovered from disaster, dealt with population influx, industrialized at a rapid pace, responded to environmental...
This case study of the economic success of the Colombian city of Bucaramanga marks the first in a series of World Bank case studies of successful metropolitan economies around the world. The Bank’s Competitive...
This study examines an institutional innovation, the performance management, and delivery unit (PEMANDU), for making, monitoring, and revising ambitious plans for reform involving coordination between...
In the first quarter of 2014, Afghanistan finds itself locked in a difficult political, security, and economic transition with outcomes uncertain. The objective of this report is to present Afghanistan's...
In the first quarter of 2014, Afghanistan finds itself locked in a difficult political, security, and economic transition with outcomes uncertain. The objective of this report is to present Afghanistan's...
In the first quarter of 2014, Afghanistan finds itself locked in a difficult political, security, and economic transition with outcomes uncertain. The objective of this report is to present Afghanistan's...
Industrial parks are as popular as they are controversial, in India and globally. At their best they align infrastructure provision and agglomeration economies to jolt industrial growth. More often, they...
In the first quarter of 2014, Afghanistan finds itself locked in a difficult political, security, and economic transition with outcomes uncertain. The objective of this report is to present Afghanistan's...
This brief includes the following headings: a unique approach to location selection; the tough question: 'how to'; and conditions and risks.
This brief includes the following headings: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA): extreme flexibility in action; flexibility in the history of industrial policy; and the theory of flexibility...
Industrial parks are as popular as they are controversial, in India and globally. At their best they align infrastructure provision and agglomeration economies to jolt industrial growth. More often, they...