This paper studies the early career dynamics of employment and formality using data from the Arab Republic of Egypt. With 14 rounds of Egypt’s labor force surveys several measures of informality and underemployment...
The combined forces of population aging, weakening family and village risk-sharing networks, and low formal pension coverage will make financing elderly consumption a major challenge for the future. This...
The informal economy in Africa is large and diverse, and it is the main source of employment in the region. It is projected to grow and create more jobs. The informal economy is well established in the...
This paper develops and estimates a dynamic model of individuals' and couples' labor supply, savings, and retirement decisions to analyze how the design of a privatized pension system affects gender pension...
This paper proposes a new decomposition method to understand how gender pay gaps arise within firms. The method accounts for pipeline effects, nonstationary environments, and dynamic interactions between...
Los avances en el proceso de desarrollo de Chile en las últimas décadas se reflejan en diversas dimensiones, incluyendo una caída de la mortalidad y reducciones de la fecundidad - que reflejan la creciente...
Global terrorist organizations attract radicalized individuals across borders and constitute a threat for both sending and receiving countries. The paper provides plausibly-identified evidence on the drivers...
Financial inclusion in Zambia has nearly doubled in the last ten years - from 21.3 percent in 2005 to 40.2 percent in 2016. This success was made possible by Zambia’s Financial Sector Development Plan...
This paper examines salary gaps by gender and nationality at the World Bank Group between 1987 and 2015 using a unique panel of all employees over this period. The paper develops and implements a dynamic...
This year appears to be one of the toughest for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region as governments are facing major policy challenges. Growth is expected to slow down to an average of 2.3 percent...
This year appears to be one of the toughest for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region as governments are facing major policy challenges. Growth is expected to slow down to an average of 2.3 percent...