How do civil service management practices differ within and across governments? How do core attitudes of public servants—such as their motivation or satisfaction—differ within and across governments? Understanding...
This Survey on Ethics and Corruption in the Federal Public Service was held online from April 28 to May 28, 2021, in partnership with the Office of the Federal Comptroller General (CGU), the Ministry of...
The survey, Assessing digital readiness and skills and the organizational climate for innovation in the civil service in Kosovo seeks to inform the government of Kosovo (GoK) in its efforts to become more...
The study uses the WDR 2018 systems approach to undertake an exploration of failures and weaknesses across various dimensions that are known to impact learning outcomes. To do so, the study piloted a public...
This report presents the findings from an institutional capacity assessment of Liberia's Forestry Development Authority (FDA) based on a survey of FDA employees. The FDA plays a pivotal role in managing...
This report presents the findings from an institutional capacity assessment of Liberia's Forestry Development Authority (FDA) based on a survey of FDA employees. The FDA plays a pivotal role in managing...
Improving government capability is one of the main challenges of economic development. There is consensus around the core policies needed for developing countries to achieve equitable growthand reduce...
To focus on strengthening the institutional capacity of national systems by linking financing to defined results, the World Bank’s Program-for-Results (PforR) requires a deep understanding of behavioral...