The main purpose of the 2021 public investment management (PIM) diagnostic assessment is to provide the Government of Ukraine with an objective diagnostic of national-level PIM performance in comparison...
This report was first prepared as a background document for the World Bank–International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings event Climate-Smart Public Investment Management in Africa on October 19, 2021. It...
The public investment management (PIM) reference guide aims to convey country experiences and good international practices as a basis for decisions on how to address country-specific PIM reform agendas...
Ukraine's vast needs in infrastructure coupled with a constrained fiscal space require concerted efforts in strengthening public investment management. Investments in infrastructure are important for fostering...
Ukraine's vast needs in infrastructure coupled with a constrained fiscal space require concerted efforts in strengthening public investment management. Investments in infrastructure are important for fostering...
This publication consists of seven chapters: building a system for public investment management; a unified framework for public investment management; country experiences of public investment management;...
The financial crisis that hit the Republic of Korea in the second half of 1997 had a devastating impact on its economy, causing the worst recession since the Korean War era. To address the fundamental...