The World Bank team built on a report, which reviewed the situation in the water sector in Romania, with a focus on compliance with EU water legislation and the inclusion of the poor. The diagnostic acknowledged...
This operational manual describes the process for planning and implementing performance-based contracts (PBCs) for nonrevenue water (NRW) reduction. An NRW-PBC is a contract for outsourcing technical...
Providing sustainable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in developing countries remains an immense, and increasingly urgent, challenge. Chapter two sets out how the sector is currently funded...
This review, undertaken jointly by the World Bank and the Water and Sanitation Program at the request of the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, presents the results of a 20-year partnership between...
Urban water supply services have traditionally been provided by state-owned, water utilities. In the past decades, many governments have tried to turn state-owned water utilities into effective and viable...
This study explains that one of the major issues affecting water utilities in the developing world is the considerable difference between the amount of water put into the distribution system and the amount...
In Vietnam the water supply issue is complicated: given the history of a strongly centralized economy, would the private sector be willing or able to respond to new opportunities in water infrastructure...
Using data from 270 water and sanitation providers, this Note investigates the relationship between a utility's size and its operating costs. The current trend toward transferring responsibility for providing...
This note highlights the wide variation in performance on key indicators: unaccounted-for water, labor costs, the working ratio, service coverage, water prices and connection costs, and continuity of service...
In some countries regulators routinely publish indicators of utility service performance through the local media. Exposing the "worst in class" has proven to be a powerful way of pressuring utilities to...