With increasing urban populations around the world, there is a great need for accessible infrastructure, especially in cities. When the needs of persons with disabilities are considered in infrastructure...
The objective of this Technical Note is to provide task teams and task team leaders (TTLs) with tools for designing and delivering health care services that are inclusive of disability. More specifically...
The Disability Inclusion and Accountability Framework, updated in 2022, lays out a road map for (i) including disability in the World Bank’s policies, operations, and analytical work; and (ii) building...
This technical note focuses on various dimensions of accessibility. The note describes various accessibility barriers, recommendations, methodologies, and strategies, with a particular focus on persons...
Accessibility standards can be local, national, regional, or international. National standards can be more or less detailed, and they can be more or less binding, depending upon the level of approval they...
Access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is critical for peoples’ survival, well-being, and economic opportunity. Including accessibility in water sector operations is important in order to deliver...
Accessibility must be considered when addressing the digital divide. In less developed countries, traditional written or verbal communications can sometimes be the only forms of communication available...
Accessible transportation to connect persons with disabilities in rural areas to health centers, clinics, school, family, cities, and jobs is an important and often neglected component. In many countries...
Accessibility for cities, however, is not just about the built environment. A city is accessible when it has policies and infrastructure that support inclusion by providing access to markets, services...
With increasing urban populations around the world, there is a great need for accessible infrastructure, especially in cities. When the needs of persons with disabilities are considered in infrastructure...
Given the importance of accessibility to the World Bank’s mission and vision, there are several entry points to ensure accessibility across World Bank sectors. Considerations about accessibility should...
The guidance note provides action-oriented direction for government officials and decisionmakers with responsibility for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. The guidance will enable the development...