The objective of this document is to lay out the options and considerations in the design of facilities to provide emergency financial support to water utilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It...
Since 2016 the World Bank has explored a wide range of country experiences in delivering better water supply and sanitation services. The analyses led to publication of three new global frameworks for...
For several decades, the World Bank, along with its government clients and international development partners have been seeking mechanisms and approaches to identify and implement concrete solutions for...
Providing sustainable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in developing countries remains an immense, and increasingly urgent, challenge. Chapter two sets out how the sector is currently funded...
The main objective of this report is to provide data and insights on the role of grant funding and concessional financing in meeting the Sustainable Development Goal for water (SDG 6 known as the water...
The sector is in the process of repositioning itselftoward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) theinternational focus of the water sector was predominantlyon...
Over the last decade, Kenya has experimented with different ways of using blended finance to leverage commercial financing from domestic banks. Many such efforts have focused onusing Output-Based Aid (OBA)...
To support a local water conservation project, the Municipality of Tlalnepantla de Baz (Mexico) and its Municipal Water Company (OPDM) issued unsecured revenue bondson the local capital market through...
Following decentralization in Colombia during the 1980s, many municipalities faced challenges accessing finance for development projects, having had little or no previous experience borrowing long-term...
To address vital wastewater infrastructure needs, the Municipality of Rustenburg created the Rustenburg Water Services Trust (RWST) to finance and upgrade infrastructure. The Trust secured revenues from...
A blended financial package was put in place to finance the expansion ofthe As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant. The projectwas undertaken by the Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Company Limited (SPC)...
South Africa occupies a central position in the global debate regarding the most effective policy instruments to accelerate and sustain private investment in renewable energy. In 2009, the government began...
South Africa occupies a central position in the global debate regarding the most effective policy instruments to accelerate and sustain private investment in renewable energy. In 2009, the government began...