Maldives’ past development path has led to significant improvements in physical capital (infrastructure and related services), and human capital (such as health and education). Over recent decades, the...
Maldives’ past development path has led to significant improvements in physical capital (infrastructure and related services), and human capital (such as health and education). Over recent decades, the...
The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
The perennial presence of plastic waste in the Indus River and its tributaries is a recent addition to the already extensive list of threats to water quality, ecological health, and environmental sustainability...
The World Bank has engaged with the government of Sri Lanka in an advisory services and analytics (ASA) work entitled priorities for sustainably managing Sri Lanka’s marine fisheries, coastal aquaculture...
The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has initiated a preliminary analysis of Pakistan’s blue carbon exposure, relevant carbon stock trends, and the sector’s potential for climate action in the context of Pakistan’s...
This report is prepared with the objective of conducting a rapid diagnosis of the fisheries sector and establishing an overview of it in the Gaza Strip (GS). The fisheries and aquaculture sector in the...
The objective of the Additional Financing of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP or the Program) and the Global Environment Fund Additional Financing (GEF AF) to sustainably increase the...
The development objective of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Program in Liberia is to complete key construction works at Mesurado Pier and Robertsport landing site. Some of the negative impacts and...
The development objective of West Africa Regional Fisheries Program for Guinea Project for Africa is to increase sustainable manner all of the wealth generated by the exploitation of fishery resources...