Mozambique is about to face two transformative opportunities for accelerating the pace of poverty reduction: the prospect of major resource inflows from the extraction of liquid natural gas (LNG) and other...
The report focuses on the challenge of Mozambique's jobs transition: how to accelerate the shift into higher value-added activities and better livelihoods. As Mozambique enters the next phase of the demographic...
This paper is a work-in-progress and was developed to advance our thinking on how to make Jobs Diagnostics more strategic and to explore how guidance can best bridge the link from jobs analysis through...
The report focuses on the challenge of Mozambique's jobs transition: how to accelerate the shift into higher value-added activities and better livelihoods. As Mozambique enters the next phase of the demographic...
After a strong rebound in 2010, Philippine economic growth slowed by more than half to 3.6 percent in the first three quarters of 2011. Slower third quarter (Q3) growth of 3.2 percent was the result of...
The main report is organized into three parts: part one provides the overall context by describing the level and evolution of poverty and inequality in the Philippines and by analyzing the factors that...
Education attainment levels increased dramatically for Mexico's labor force in the 1980s and early 1990s. In parallel, the country experienced a pronounced increase in earnings inequality from 1984-94...
The high commercial lending rates Nicaragua is currently experiencing, together with a perceived scarcity of credit, have often been blamed for the country's slow growth and have been considered a major...
Does it make sense for developing countries to pursue regional integration as a means of accelerating development? Economic analysis based on static comparative advantage clearly indicates that such a...