Estimates of total factor productivity growth, a measure of increases in the efficiency of production, have traditionally been based on a two-factor model of labor and fixed capital. Because profits are...
A new generation of infrastructure projects that harness the power of nature can help achieve development goals, including water security and climate resilience. In this report from the World Bank and...
Estimates of total factor productivity growth, a measure of increases in the efficiency of production, have traditionally been based on a two-factor model of labor and fixed capital. Because profits are...
Russia is a country of global importance and great diversity. The world’s largest transcontinental country spans eleven time zones and is the ninth most populous country in the world. Russia is the main...
Russia is a country of global importance and great diversity. The world’s largest transcontinental country spans eleven time zones and is the ninth most populous country in the world. Russia is the main...
Effective flood risk management is critical to protect people and their livelihoods from flooding and to limit future losses. Nature-based measures and their ability to address flood risk are receiving...
One of the key indicators in the little green data book, Adjusted Net Savings (ANS), allows countries to do just that. Also known as genuine savings, ANS shows whether a country is on the path to sustainable...
This year's edition of the little green data book includes a focus story on oceans and its ecosystem services, as well as estimates of global marine fisheries wealth accounts, a first step in capturing...
In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) provided the first comprehensive report on global ecosystems, the dependence of human societies on the services provided, current state, and likely...
The present study of the economics of adaptation to climate change follows the sector approach, with separate estimates of adaptation measures for infrastructure, water, agriculture, industrial forestry...
The book presents estimates of total wealth for nearly 120 countries, using economic theory to decompose the wealth of a nation into its component pieces: produced capital, natural resources and human...
يعرض هذا الكتاب تقديرات لمجموع الثروات الخاصة بنحو 120 بلداً باستخدام النظرية الاقتصادية لتقسيم ثروة أي بلد إلى مكوناتها الأساسية، وهي: رأس المال المنتج، والموارد الطبيعية، والموارد البشرية. وتهدف تقديرات...
The book presents estimates of total wealth for nearly 120 countries, using economic theory to decompose the wealth of a nation into its component pieces: produced capital, natural resources and human...
The book presents estimates of total wealth for nearly 120 countries, using economic theory to decompose the wealth of a nation into its component pieces: produced capital, natural resources and human...