The ongoing digital revolution could be transformative not only for the financial inclusion of smallholder farmers but also for the food and agriculture sector more broadly, supporting the creation of...
Early warning systems enable more proactive, less reactive responses which are well tailored for local conditions. The practical information generated by reliable hydromet monitoring and effective forecasting...
Agriculture is a major driver of the Kenyan economy, contributing 54 percent to the national gross domestic product (GDP) and accounting for 65 percent of total export earnings. Kenya’s GDP growth is highly...
More than any other sector of the economy, agriculture relies directly on the natural resource base - that is the land and water resources that are essential elements of crop and livestock production...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
The new 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' report aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
Ensuring food security under changing climate conditions is one of the major challenges of our era. Agriculture must not only become increasingly productive, but must also adapt to climate change while...
The new report 'lessons from practice: assessing scalability' aims to provide specific tools and guidance to World Bank Task Team Leaders (TTLs) and other agricultural development specialists which can...
Rising and increasingly volatile food prices spiking for the second time in three years combined with heightened uncertainty about future prospects for food availabilities, are raising alarm about food...
In order for agricultural development to fulfill its potential role as a source of growth and reducer of poverty, it must be constantly renewed through knowledge and innovation. Getting resources into...
Poverty in Pakistan is overwhelmingly rural. Some two-thirds of Pakistan's population, and over 60 percent of the country's poor, live in rural areas. In 2005, average per capita expenditures in rural...
More forest area is being designated for use by local communities and indigenous peoples. In a growing number of countries legislation is being introduced to ensure that local partners share in the benefits...
Stimulating agricultural growth is critical to reducing poverty in Africa. Commercial agriculture, potentially a powerful driver of agricultural growth, can develop along a number of pathways. Yet many...
The demand for verifiable evidence of results and impacts of development agricultural programs and projects is growing. However, most of the indicators that development practitioners have traditionally...
Food insecurity and income poverty are rampant in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thirty-one percent of children under the age of five are malnourished and some 72 percent of the population lives on less than US$2...
The 2008 World Development Report identifies competition as an important variable of the rural investment climate. Competition triggers innovation and the productivity gains that drive economic growth...
The Mongolia Index Based Livestock Insurance Project (P088816) is piloting insurance plans in three provinces, Bayankhongor, Uvs, and Khenti. It consists of five components. The first provides the mechanism...
Disparity in growth rates between Upper and Lower Egypt has been dramatic. While national per capita income averaged 3 percent growth annually beginning in the mid 1990s, and growth rates in metropolitan...
This note recounts that by the early 2000s, the Government of Mexico and the Secretariat of Agrarian Reform, in particular, had come to see investment in "the more dynamic young segment of the population...