This paper assesses the quality of health care across African countries based on health providers' clinical knowledge, their clinic attendance, and drug availability, with a focus on seven conditions accounting...
The workshop explored the importance of human capital, what drives poor performance, and how this is related to public financial management. The first session on human capital was led by Alexandra Posarac...
Progress toward universal health care (UHC) in Africa will require sustained increases in public spending on health and reduced reliance on out-of-pocket financing. This article reviews trends and patterns...
Since 2013, the government of Malawi has been pursuing a number of health reforms, which include plans to increase domestic financing for health through ‘innovative financing.’ As part of these reforms...
This special issue on health financing in East and Sothern Africa comes at an opportune time. Economic growth in the region is contributing to a changing lifestyle and an increasing burden of noncommunicable...
This study presents two case studies, each on a current initiative of contracting for primary health services in Brazil, one for the state of Bahia, the other for the city of Rio de Janeiro. The two initiatives...
A pilot eliminating user fees associated with delivery at the point of services was introduced in two districts of Laos in March 2009. Following two years of implementation, an evaluation was conducted...
It has been more than 20 years since Brazil's 1988 Constitution formally established the Unified Health System (Sistema Unico de Saude, SUS). Building on reforms that started in the 1980s, the SUS represented...
This paper focuses on efficiency and equity in the financing of health services, and the evolving role of central and local government in the health sector. Thailand has seen significant improvements in...
Using primary data from Laos, the authors compare a broad range of different types of shocks in terms of their incidence, distribution between the poor and better off, idiosyncrasy, costs, coping responses...
This discussion paper is one of five discussion papers for the Thailand public financial management report. It focuses on efficiency and equity in the financing of health services, and the evolving role...
The Ethiopian health sector faces a number of challenges related to human resources, including geographical imbalances in the distribution of health workers, problems with job satisfaction, and a high...
In Laos health shocks are more common than most other shocks and more concentrated among the poor. They tend to be more idiosyncratic than non-health shocks, and are more costly, partly because they lead...