While the Iraqi education system was widely regarded as one of the best in the Middle East and enjoyed near-universal primary enrollment until the 1980s, the next decade marked a serious downturn in results...
This MENA K&L Quick Note highlights the key lessons learned from the workshop entitled: “Procurement Under Public private Partnerships (PPP): A Learning Event for the Water and Energy Sectors,” held in...
Over the last decade Morocco has made important strides in responding to citizen demands for more transparency, accountability, and shared prosperity. This has also extended into the public sector and...
Over the course of a six-year period from 2006-2011, the Government of Iraq (GOI), with support from the World Bank, undertook an ambitious effort to reform its public procurement system and legal framework...
Well-functioning institutions are critical to reducing poverty and boosting growth. However, fragile and conflict-affected states generally lack the political and institutional structures needed to address...