Entering a higher grade-proposals to reform Russia's education system. EDI disseminates transition know-how. Breeding a new generation of economists in the FSU - Eurasia Foundation President William Bader...
The collapse of central planning and the opening of the ex-socialist economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have had two major implications for enterprise and bank restructuring...
Building a sound, efficient financial system is at the heart of the transformation from central planning to a market economy. The vital function that the financial system performs in a market economy in...
Neither in theory nor in practice have financial economists confronted a problem as all encompassing as the reform of financial systems in the socialist economies in transition (SET). In the economics...
The focus of this program is on the improvement of decision-making in seven important areas dealing with the structure, reform, and development of financial systems in developing countries. The areas covered...
The focus of EDI's program on the financial sector is on the improvement of decision-making in seven important areas dealing with the structure, reform and development of financial systems in developing...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...
هذا التقرير هو الثاني عشر في سلسلة من التقارير السنوية التي تتناول بالتقييم قضايا التنمية الرئيسية. تتباين معدلات النمو الاقتصادي في البلدان النامية تبايناً كبيراً للغاية. وقد كان للبيئة الخارجية آثار...
This is the twelfth in the annual series assessing major development issues. Economic growth rates among the developing countries have varied considerably. The external environment has had an adverse impact...
This paper examines the phenomenon of financial distress that has, in the late 1970s and in the 1980s, taken a worldwide dimension. It traces the causes back to external shocks that affected developing...