Accelerating digital transformation can enable faster economic growth for Uganda. The digital sector represents one of the fastest growing sectors in Uganda, with positive spillover effects on other sectors...
This paper provides a compressive synthesis of the most recent and widely cited literature on the economic effects of information and communications technology adoption at the country, firm, and individual...
The share of Uganda’s population that lives below the poverty line has fluctuated over the last seven years, greatly influenced by shocks that have tested the resilience of the people. The COVID-19 pandemic...
The share of Uganda’s population that lives below the poverty line has fluctuated over the last seven years, greatly influenced by shocks that have tested the resilience of the people. About 30 percent...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
The World Bank launched the Rapid Web based Survey on the Impact of the Conflict (RWSIC) on June 9, 2021, covering key topics such as access to basic services, labor outcomes, mental health, and coping...
This paper presents a novel method for estimating the likely welfare effects of competition reforms for both current and new consumers. Using household budget survey data from 2015/16 for Ethiopia and...
This note focuses on the welfare and competition (WELCOM) microsimulation tool. WELCOM, an easy-to-use stata-based package with minimum data requirements, was conceived as part of larger World Bank efforts...
To comprehend how development really happens, it is necessary to understand the evolution of its drivers and their relationship with individuals' income. This paper analyzes the expansion of access to...
This note discusses the evolution of the MPI in Colombia since 2010 and describes some of the challenges associated with the spatial heterogeneity of multidimensional poverty across urban and rural areas...
Understanding the economic and social effects of the recent global trends of rising market concentration and market power has become a policy priority, particularly in developing countries where markets...
Estimating ex-ante distributional impacts of road infrastructure is increasingly important to better understand the poverty effects of these investments. This note presents such analysis for the ongoing...
This study explores the short-run transitions between poverty, vulnerability, and middle class, using synthetic panels constructed from multiple rounds of Colombia's Integrated Household Survey (in Spanish...
This study explores the short-run transitions between poverty, vulnerability, and middle class, using synthetic panels constructed from multiple rounds of Colombia’s integrated household survey (in Spanish...
Poverty estimates usually lag behind two years, which makes it difficult to provide real-time poverty analysis to assess the impact of economic crisis and shocks among the less well-off, and subsequently...
Following steep declines in poverty rates over the past decade, the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region reduced childhood poverty by a third and childhood extreme poverty almost by half between 2004...
Following steep declines in poverty rates over the past decade, the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region reduced childhood poverty by a third and childhood extreme poverty almost by half between 2004...