At Cluj County level, the water and wastewater infrastructure has been analyzed from the perspective of the existing regional systems supplemented by local systems. The two main regional operators: Somes...
The territory is organized along the transport infrastructure. The balanced development of a region or territory closely depends upon the organization of the territorial infrastructure. Thus, the territorial...
The territory is organized along the transport infrastructure. The balanced development of a region or territory closely depends upon the organization of the territorial infrastructure. Thus, the territorial...
At Cluj County level, the water and wastewater infrastructure has been analyzed from the perspective of the existing regional systems supplemented by local systems. The two main regional operators: Somes...
The welfare and the living standard strongly depend on the material and financial resources accessible to the working population. During the last three decades, while the size of the population of Cluj...
The Quality of Government Institute of Gothenburg University has been calculating a quality of government index at regional level (NUTS 2) for the European Commission since 2010. According to this index...
The need to prepare this deliverable within the Cluj County Spatial Plan, derives from the provisions of the Law no. 350/2001 on urban and spatial planning, with subsequent amendments and completions;...
The need to prepare this deliverable within the Cluj County Spatial Plan, derives from the provisions of the Law no. 350/2001 on urban and spatial planning, with subsequent amendments and completions;...
The welfare and the living standard strongly depend on the material and financial resources accessible to the working population. During the last three decades, while the size of the population of Cluj...
The topic under review is conventionally defined by the administrative boundaries of Cluj County. Within these administrative boundaries, which include at a lower scale the administrative boundaries of...
The Quality of Government Institute of Gothenburg University has been calculating a quality of government index at regional level (NUTS 2) for the European Commission since 2010. According to this index...
The topic under review is conventionally defined by the administrative boundaries of Cluj County. Within these administrative boundaries, which include at a lower scale the administrative boundaries of...
Romania aims to be a country in which all citizens are provided with an equal opportunity toparticipate in society, where their basic needs are met and their differences respected, and whereall people...
In 2012, the World Bank signed five agreements with MRDPA for advisory services, out of which one relates to the growth poles policy and to its improvement for the programming period 2014-2020. This agreement...
In 2012, the World Bank signed five agreements with MRDPA for advisory services, out of which one relates to the growth poles policy and to its improvement for the programming period 2014-2020. This agreement...
Romania aims to be a country in which all citizens are provided with an equal opportunity toparticipate in society, where their basic needs are met and their differences respected, and whereall people...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting the...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union (EU) and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union (EU) and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting...
Romania faces today the critical need to enhance the coordination of public investment programs and projects in order to ‘do more with less,’ maximizing development impact given limited financial resources...