In recent years, the severity and frequency of natural disasters has risen, resulting in increasing human and economic losses. These extreme weather events disproportionally affect low-income countries...
Infrastructure assets and services provide the basic physical and organizational structures that underpin the functioning of economy and society. Access to reliable, quality, efficient, and affordable...
Governments and their multilateral partners are increasingly recognizing the importance of incorporating climate and disaster resilience considerations into infrastructure development plans as well as...
Governments and their multilateral partners are increasingly recognizing the importance of incorporating climate and disaster resilience considerations into infrastructure development plans as well as...
Governments worldwide face the difficult challenge of deciding which infrastructure projects to prioritize and select for implementation, given the limits of available funding and the need to attain their...
Disruption of infrastructure services can cause significant social and economic losses, particularly in the event of a natural disaster. The World Bank Group and the Government of Japan established the...
Infrastructure plays an important role in the economic and social development of any country. Access to reliable, high-quality, efficient and affordable infrastructure services is a critical factor for...
Learning from experience to improve future infrastructure public-private partnerships is a focal issue for policy makers, financiers, implementers, and private sector stakeholders. An extensive body of...
This paper examines the relationship between multilateral support and contract cancellation in long-term infrastructure public-private partnerships. The analysis draws on a large data set and employs a...
As Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) approaches end 2015, this report takes stock of the progress to date and draws out lessons for the next stage of ASEAN’s connectivity journey. The realization...
Governments must decide how to allocate limited resources for infrastructure development, particularly since financing gaps have been projected for the coming decades. Social cost-benefit analysis provides...
Infrastructure services are significant determinants of economic development, social welfare, trade, and public health. As such, they typically feature strongly in national development plans. While governments...
In Central America, cargo is transported almost entirely by road. The movement of imports and exports to and from international seaports is done by truck. Rail service is almost nonexistent and air transport...
The paper identifies the impact of physical barriers to trade within Central America through the use of an augmented and partially constrained Gravity Model of Trade. Adjusting the Euclidian distance factor...
As tariffs and other formal barriers to trade have fallen across developing and industrialized regions, transport and logistics costs have become, in many cases, the biggest cost factor in the final price...
This study aims to ask questions essential to forming policy for short-term, economic stimulus in Jamaica. How do public works and construction investments filter through to other sectors? What skill levels...