Since the 2005 ICP results have been published, various institutions and agencies have extrapolated the results for each of the years up to 2010. They include the World Bank (the World Development Indicators...
The 2005 international comparison program (ICP) results showed that the national accounts of participating countries were not as consistent with each other as had been anticipated. As a result, the global...
The International Comparison Program (ICP) provides estimates of the gross domestic product (GDP) and its main expenditure components for most countries in the world expressed in a common currency and...
The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a world-wide statistical project designed to compare the levels of economic activity and relative price levels between countries. The ICP uses each country’s...
The objective of the paper is to spell out the problems and makes recommendations. In the 2005 ICP, the net expenditure of residents abroad (NEA) balancing component of household final consumption expenditure...
The ICP is a major statistical exercise which requires a great deal of cooperation and coordination between prices statisticians and national accountants. Inevitably, a large part of the overall work program...
The ICP is a statistical program that adjusts national accounts aggregates to a common currency using purchasing power parities (PPPs). The main outputs of interest to analysts are the real expenditures...
The ICP is a major statistical exercise which requires a great deal of cooperation and coordination between prices statisticians and national accountants. Inevitably, a large part of the overall work program...