Este informe explora la dinámica entre la seguridad alimentaria nacional en Centroamérica y la inflación de los precios a nivel mundial. En el informe se analiza en qué medida los precios internacionales...
The Asian banking sector, like its counterparts globally, does not have high direct sustainability impacts. Nonetheless, the banking sector plays a crucial role in directing capital in one of the highest...
The development of the Asian pulp, paper and timber sector is influenced by a suite of issues including weak political institutions, social conflict, unsustainable management of natural resources, lack...
An increasingly actively debated topic in sustainable investment today is how investors should respond to the impact of globalization on supply chains. What questions should investors ask when companies...
Government regulation of environmental and social impacts and corporate governance is the starting point for addressing fundamental long-term investment trends in many sectors. Therefore, sustainability...
The major oil, gas, and petrochemical firms of the developed world have long been among the listed companies most closely scrutinized by investors and activists concerned with sustainability and corporate...
The auto sector in ex-Japan Asia has seen significant changes in recent years, as the strengthening economy across the region has powered enormous growth in demand for vehicles and the consequent establishment...
Few sectors offer an Asian investor better insight into a country's ability to focus on long-term sustainability issues than the utility sector. This is a sector where the environmental and social impacts...
Asian metals, mining, and building materials companies have a uniquely high sustainability risk profile. The extractive, metals processing, and cement industries have high environmental impacts with an...
Taking Stock was designed to ask and answer the following question: what are the key investment themes which investors should be evaluating in order to analyze environmental, social and governance (ESG)...
The technology sector stands as one of the major success stories of Asian export-led economic development, and a large and diverse set of listed regional firms has captured a significant share of the global...