The World Bank's Integrity Vice-Presidency (INT) investigates misconduct in Bank-funded projects and advises World Bank staff and borrowing country personnel on corruption prevention measures. When INT...
Alternative dispute resolution encompasses arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and other methods-short of formal litigation-for resolving disputes. Alternative dispute resolution offers several advantages...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
يضطلع كل من الشركات وأصحاب مشاريع العمل الحر بمختلف أنواعها من مشاريع بالغة الصغر إلى شركات متعددة الجنسيات بدورٍ مركزيٍ في النمو والحد من الفقر؛ فالقرارات الاستثمارية التي تتخذها هذه الأطراف تؤدي إلى...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from micro-enterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability...
With more developing and post-communist states embracing democracy, improving the performance of their congresses, parliaments, and other legislative assemblies has become a must. These bodies make laws...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
This sourcebook was written to assist low-income countries with the development and strengthening of their poverty reduction strategies. This book has been designed as a resource for analysis and discourse...
Just like combating terror, fighting poverty is a common responsibility - interview with Nick Stern; by Richard Hirschler. Petty corruption in the wild, wild east; by Scott Thomas. Anticorruption campaigns...
The evolution of poverty and inequality in Indian villages; by Rajshri Jayaraman and Peter Lanjouw. Appraising workfare; by Martin Ravallion. Public social spending in Africa : do the poor benefit?; by...
Acknowledging the importance of sound judicial systems to good governance and economic growth, the World Bank and several other donor organizations have funded judicial reform projects in more than two...