Despite global financial tightening, high oil and food prices, and border restrictions with China in the first half of the year, the Mongolian economy recovered in 2022. Economic growth is estimated at...
Despite global financial tightening, high oil and food prices, and border restrictions with China in the first half of the year, the Mongolian economy recovered in 2022. Economic growth is estimated at...
The objective of the jobs diagnostic (JD) is to generate evidence that will inform policies that create more and better jobs in Mongolia while moving toward a more diversified economy. Sustained economic...
Job creation is key to Mongolia becoming a dynamic economy and an inclusive society. The government has produced a long-term development framework, the Mongolia Vision 2050, and, more recently, a blueprint...
The objective of the jobs diagnostic (JD) is to generate evidence that will inform policies that create more and better jobs in Mongolia while moving toward a more diversified economy. Sustained economic...
Job creation is key to Mongolia becoming a dynamic economy and an inclusive society. The government has produced a long-term development framework, the Mongolia Vision 2050, and, more recently, a blueprint...
An effective and equitable social protection system can help Kosovo to promote human capital, foster productivity, and reduce poverty. Since its independence in 2008, the country has made considerable...
This report summarizes the results of the core diagnostic of the social protection system in Armenia conducted in 2019 through a joint partnership between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the...
This report summarizes the results of the core diagnostic of the social protection system in Armenia conducted in 2019 through a joint partnership between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the...
European countries increasingly focus on enhancing access to and strengthening explicit linkages between benefits and essential services to create synergies, avoid dependency of low income families on...
This report provides a summary of the main findings and recommendations of the technical assistance “People, Portraits, Perspectives: Improving Employability for Inclusive Growth in Hungary” provided by...
This report aims to provide a comprehensive package of timely and relevant input to the Government’s initiatives. In doing so, it brings together into one coherent framework and story-line both new analysis...
This report aims to provide a comprehensive package of timely and relevant input to the Government’s initiatives. In doing so, it brings together into one coherent framework and story-line both new analysis...
The analysis presented in this study points to persistent and high numbers in Georgia and Armenia of youth who are jobless and/or economically inactive and with limited access to learning and/or training...
The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, as well as one of the most deprived and socially excluded groups. Because of the lack of high-quality data, research on Roma inclusion to inform evidence-based...
The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, as well as one of the most deprived and socially excluded groups. Because of the lack of high-quality data, research on Roma inclusion to inform evidence-based...
The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, as well as one of the most deprived and socially excluded groups. Because of the lack of high-quality data, research on Roma inclusion to inform evidence-based...
The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, as well as one of the most deprived and socially excluded groups. Because of the lack of high-quality data, research on Roma inclusion to inform evidence-based...
The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe, as well as one of the most deprived and socially excluded groups. Because of the lack of high-quality data, research on Roma inclusion to inform evidence-based...
This note presents the results of the evaluation of the Greek Social Solidarity Income (SSI) program, a last resort safety net program targeted to extremely poor households with the objective of alleviating...