The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a global statistical initiative that collects prices, national accounts expenditures, and related information from the world's economies in order to compare...
The International Comparison Program (ICP) is a global statistical initiative that collects prices, national accounts expenditures, and related information from the world's economies in order to compare...
The international comparison program (ICP) is a worldwide statistical initiative aimed to estimate purchasing power parities (PPPs) to be used as currency converters to compare the performance of economies...
The 2005 international comparison program (ICP) results showed that the national accounts of participating countries were not as consistent with each other as had been anticipated. As a result, the global...
The purpose of this status report is to provide the international comparison program (ICP) 2011 Executive Board (EB) with an overview of the ICP 2011 research agenda, which is an update of the brief presentation...
The international comparison program (ICP) was implemented as a true global initiative for the second time, with the reference year 2011. It was built on well programmed activities of a wide network of...
The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is the scientific component of the ICP governance system, whose members are scholars, statistical experts and economists with proven experience in theoretical, methodological...
The ICP is a statistical program that adjusts national accounts aggregates to a common currency using purchasing power parities (PPPs). The main outputs of interest to analysts are the real expenditures...
This document is mainly an excerpt of chapter eight of the ICP Handbook, with a few changes here and there to better put emphasis on Compensation of Government Employees. It also includes large excerpts...
The ICP is a statistical program that adjusts national accounts aggregates to a common currency using purchasing power parities (PPPs). The main outputs of interest to analysts are the real expenditures...
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.
ملاحظات من المدير العالمي. موجز الأخبار. تحقيق صحفي. المنهجية. أبرز النقاط الإقليمية. موجز للتقارير الصادرة عن المنطقة. بلد تحت الضوء. رزنامة الأحداث والفعاليات.
Notes from the global manager. News in brief. Feature. Methodology. Regional spotlight. Regional reports in brief. Country spotlight. Calendar of events.