Tertiary education in Indonesia is expected to continue its strong growth over the next ten years. This predicted growth will take place in both Islamic and non-religious tertiary institutions. Historically...
A nation's utilization and creation of knowledge endeavors are globally acknowledged as the driving forces for economic development and competitiveness. Public and private investments in institutions of...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...
يصف هذا التقرير كيف يسهم التعليم العالي في بناء قدرات بلد ما من أجل المشاركة في اقتصاد قائم على المعرفة على نحو متزايد، كما يتحقق من خيارات السياسات المتاحة أمام التعليم العالي التي يمكن أن تعزز النمو...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...
This report describes how tertiary education contributes to building up a country's capacity for participation in an increasingly knowledge-based world economy and investigates policy options for tertiary...