At the time, only about a quarter of adult Africans enjoyed the benefits of access to the financial tools required to be able to grow small-scale businesses, plan for future household expenses, make investments...
The primary goal of this Focus Note is to raise awareness in the microfinance sector of the issues associated with foreign exchange risk. First, it explains what exchange risk is. Second, it looks at the...
The primary goal of this Focus Note is to raise awareness in the microfinance sector of the issues associated with foreign exchange risk. First, it explains what exchange risk is. Second, it looks at the...
The primary goal of this Focus Note is to raise awareness in the microfinance sector of the issues associated with foreign exchange risk. First, it explains what exchange risk is. Second, it looks at the...
الهدف الرئيسي لمذكرة النقاش المركزة هذه هو رفع الوعي في قطاع التمويل الأصغر بالقضايا المرتبطة بمخاطر تقلبات أسعار صرف النقد الأجنبي. ففي المقام الأول، تقوم هذه المذكرة بشرح ماهية هذه المخاطر، ثم تتناول...
The primary goal of this Focus Note is to raise awareness in the microfinance sector of the issues associated with foreign exchange risk. First, it explains what exchange risk is. Second, it looks at the...
The primary goal of this Focus Note is to raise awareness in the microfinance sector of the issues associated with foreign exchange risk. First, it explains what exchange risk is. Second, it looks at the...
These disclosure guidelines were developed in consultation with microfinance practitioners, and the member donors of CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor). CGAP recommends to its donor members...
These disclosure guidelines were developed in consultation with microfinance practitioners, and the member donors of CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor). CGAP recommends to its donor members...
These disclosure guidelines were developed in consultation with microfinance practitioners, and the member donors of CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor). CGAP recommends to its donor members...
These disclosure guidelines were developed in consultation with microfinance practitioners, and the member donors of CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor). CGAP recommends to its donor members...