This first edition takes a close look at recent economic developments and short-term prospects for Gulf countries. It also includes forecasts for the individual Gulf nations and an analytical section that...
This first edition takes a close look at recent economic developments and short-term prospects for Gulf countries. It also includes forecasts for the individual Gulf nations and an analytical section that...
In the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis, advanced economies have continued to experience sluggish growth. Is this slow post crisis growth the result of a policy response that was overly...
This report describes the forces acting on the global economy and its implications on developing countries using evidence based analysis. The report includes forecasts for individual developing regions...
Competitiveness is a broad subject with applications at the level of the firm, industry, region, nation, and global economy. Each one of these aspects has a rich literature drawn on by academics and policy...
This volume is organized as follows. Chapter one address two questions: how has spatial concentration evolved with growth and development, and what are the efficiency implications of too much or too little...
A primer on policies for jobs is based on materials and input provided during the labor market courses conducted during the past 10 years. Its objective is to provide government policy makers, researchers...
The book has been divided into five parts. Part one focuses on clarifying the basic concepts (that is, what are the appropriate goals of economic policy?), the challenges of low- and middle-income developing...
This volume is an introduction to the theories and policies that affect economic growth and poverty. It is a compilation of lecture notes used in face-to-face and e-learning courses presented by the World...
This report aims to show how macroeconomic policies create differential opportunities for women and men. This volume comprises nine chapters covering four broad themes: gender as a category of analysis...
This paper is about micro foundations of productivity and growth. There are several studies on productivity for advanced economies but relatively few for developing countries. Using data from the investment...
This paper uses the central tool of an investment-savings and monetary-policy model with an augmented Philips curve and presents a few extensions of that model to analyze the multiplier effects of macroeconomic...
This paper provides an overview of the period prior to the recent global crisis, and the policies that were adopted around the world in response to the crisis. It highlights a number of key issues regarding...
During the second half of the 1970s, the Mauritian sugar boom ended. For a number of years thereafter, economic instability and financial troubles marred the picture. The authors aim to analyze government...