The document collection focuses on the challenges of increasing catastrophic health spending and the trends in global health service coverage. It discusses the rising financial burden on individuals and...
Investing in health is pivotal for enhancing a nation's human capital as a driver of productivity, long-term growth, and poverty reduction. Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health people...
Despite a rebound in economic growth following the pandemic, new geopolitical developments and macroeconomic shocks-inflation and monetary responses to inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the...
Después de más de dos años de la pandemia, la evidencia es clara: COVID-19 ha desatado una crisis socioeconómica y de salud sin precedentes y ha devastado comunidades en toda América Latina y el Caribe...
More than two years into the pandemic, the evidence is clear: COVID-19 has unleashed an unprecedented socioeconomic and health crisis, and devastated communities across Latin America and the Caribbean...
This paper outlines changes that have been made for the third version of the World Bank’s Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicators (HEFPI) database launched in 2022. Across all indicators, subpopulation...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives or performance pay links payments to health facilities and workers to the quantity and quality of services they deliver. These performance incentives came on the scene in health financing...
Financial incentives for health providers and households are increasingly used to improve reproductive, maternal, and child health service coverage in low- and middle-income countries. This study provides...
This Public Expenditure Review updates previous assessments of the levels and efficiency of health financing in Tajikistan and its consequences for healthcare access and health of the Tajik population...
This paper outlines changes that have been made in the 2019 version of the Health Equity and Financial Protection Indicators database. On the financial protection side, the changes include an increase...
The goal of universal health coverage (UHC) requires that everyone receive needed health services, and that families who get needed services do not suffer undue financial hardship. Tracking progress towards...
The 2018 database on Health Equity and Financial Protection indicators provides data on equity in the delivery of health service interventions and health outcomes, and on financial protection in health...