The objective of the Manta Public Services Improvement Project for Ecuador is to support the Municipality of Manta in increasing the quality and sustainability of public services for water, sanitation...
The objective of the Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project for Colombia is to assist the Borrower to transform the Rio Bogota River into an environmental asset for the Bogotá...
The Plan PAZcifico: WSS Infrastructure & Service Delivery Project of Colombia aims to (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban areas in the municipalities...
Development Objectives of the Plan Pazcifico: Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Infrastructure of Colombia are (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban...
The objective of the Second Metro Water and Sanitation Improvement Project of Panama is to increase coverage, quality and efficiency of water and sanitation services in low-income areas in the districts...