The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a joint policy initiative, which aims to deepen and strengthen relations between the European Union (EU) and its six Eastern neighbours. One of its four priority areas...
The World Bank and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Romania through the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) signed an Advisory Services...
With a population of 1 million, Odessa is the fourth most populous city in Ukraine. It is a port city and major tourist destination. While Odessa retains its rich heritage of an outward looking, commercial...
The World Bank and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Romania through the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development (NCTVETD) signed an Advisory Services...
This report presents the scope and findings of the Economic Sector Work on Sustainable Urban Transport for the City of Kyiv, financed jointly by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)...
This report aims at providing key recommendations toward the use of innovative designs in small infrastructure in Romania. The overall aim is to compare Romanian and international practices in design...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting the...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union (EU) and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting...
In the context of Romania’s push toward sustainable and inclusive development, the government has asked the World Bank to support the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union...
In the context of Romania’s push toward sustainable and inclusive development, the government has asked the World Bank to support the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union...
The World Bank has agreed to support the Government of Romania (GoR) with the harmonization of public investments financed by the European Union (EU) and the state budget, with the wider aim of promoting...
Romania faces today the critical need to enhance the coordination of public investment programs and projects in order to ‘do more with less,’ maximizing development impact given limited financial resources...
Romania faces today the critical need to enhance the coordination of public investment programs and projects in order to ‘do more with less,’ maximizing development impact given limited financial resources...
This report aims at providing key recommendations toward the use of innovative designs in small infrastructure in Romania. The overall aim is to compare Romanian and international practices in design...