The number of refugees in Burundi has significantly increased since 2017, with over a third of the more than 85,000 refugees and asylum seekers having arrived since then. Despite facing severe development...
The number of refugees in Burundi has significantly increased since 2017, with over a third of the more than 85,000 refugees and asylum seekers having arrived since then. Nearly half of refugees reside...
Somalia, one of the poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, still faces many challenges as it remains fragile. Terrorist groups and their attacks are threatening the government and limiting its capacity...
The Kenyan Continuous Household Survey (KCHS), funded by the World Bank, will make available timely high-quality data. A ten-year gap between the Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey (KIHBS) 2005/06...
To embark on a sustainable pathway toward development, effective policy responses must be implemented quickly and based on evidence. This requires reliable, timely data, which is often unavailable especially...
The historical civil war and political insecurity in Somalia has resulted in a lack of socioeconomic, perception and other key data in Somalia. The Somalia socioeconomic survey 2002 was the last Somalia-wide...