The most severe impact of the Ebola epidemic, which began in Guinea in December 2013 and quickly spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone, has been in lost human lives and suffering. This report, prepared for...
Using panel data from Mozambique collected in 2007 and 2008, the authors explore the impact of the food crisis on the welfare of households living with HIV/AIDS. The analysis finds that there has been...
This paper studies the effect of increased access to antiretroviral therapy on risky sexual behavior, using data collected in Mozambique in 2007 and 2008. The survey sampled both households of randomly...
The purpose of this report is to advise the Thai government and Thai society at large about the full range of benefits, costs, and consequences that are likely to result from the decision to expand public...
The purpose of this report is to advise the Thai government and Thai society at large about the full range of benefits, costs, and consequences that are likely to result from the decision to expand public...
Each issue of this newsletter includes the following sections: Leadership Forum, Featured Reading, Event, Bulletin Board, Archives and information on newsletter subscription. The paper featured in the...
Artemisinin-based combination treatments (ACTs) are seen as an important tool in the global effort to roll back malaria. With rapidly increasing parasite resistance to chloroquine in many parts of the...
How should governments respond to the increasing domestic and international pressures to finance antiretroviral therapy for AIDS patients? Once prohibitively expensive outside rich countries, antiretroviral...
The incidence of malaria in Solomon Islands has been declining since 1992, but there is a large geographical variation between areas in the incidence level and the rate of decline. The authors used a mix...
The AIDS crisis in Africa and elsewhere compels us to design appropriate assistance policies for households experience a death. Policies should take into account and strengthen existing household coping...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This book argues that the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS can be overcome. It draws from three bodies of knowledge: the epidemiology of HIV, public health insights into disease control, and public economics...
This booklet summarizes the main points of the full length publication of the same name. It provides the salient points discussed concerning health sector resources in developing countries. The concept...
Evaluating social policies: principles and U.S. experience. Using randomized control designs in evaluating social sector programs in developing countries. AIDS and African development. Privatization: lessons...
This booklet summarizes the main points of the full length publication of the same name. It provides the salient points discussed concerning health sector resources in developing countries. The concept...
This booklet summarizes the main points of the full length publication of the same name. It provides the salient points discussed concerning health sector resources in developing countries. The concept...
The purpose of this manual is to introduce people trained in health professions, but not in economics, to the basic economic principles that will best help them decide how to allocate resources in the...