This document shows the results of the estimation of consumption per equivalent adult and the incidence of poverty in Jamaica based on the small-area estimation technique using the Jamaica survey of living...
In preparing these policy notes, the World Bank intends to provide the incoming administration with some considerations and recommendations on key development policy issues. The focus of these policy notes...
Poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA) is an approach used by governments, civil society organizations, the World Bank, and other development partners to examine the distributional impacts of public...
This volume is devoted to an assessment of the performance and selected aspects of the management and pedagogical practices of Fe y Alegria, a federation of Jesuit schools serving approximately one million...
This publication posits that often it is argued that religious schools provide a substantial part of educational services, especially in poorer developing countries. In addition, the services provided...
Fe y Alegria is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y Alegria...
This note describes the innovative experience generated from this request: a country-led Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA). The project was designed to transfer capacity on how to measure distributional...
Many countries have been affected by food and oil price shocks. Rising energy costs have manifested themselves through higher prices of gas at the pump and through price increases for many other goods...