One billion people around the world experience some form of disability, and 80 percent of persons with disabilities live in low-middle-income countries. Disability is an evolving concept and results from...
The data required for assessing disaster risk can generally be divided into three categories: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. To date there is no widely accepted approach for storing and sharing such...
At its most fundamental level, managing risks is, at its core, about noticing and confronting the gap between what is and what could be. Humor is also about noticing, confronting, and, highlighting this...
Global facility for disaster reduction and recovery (GFDRR’s) innovation lab team harnesses technology and science to quantify disaster and climate risks. With diverse challenges from country to country...
Understanding Risk (UR) Boulder was a 2 day event in October 2015 that convened over 120 experts, practitioners, and community members to discuss challenges we face in building resilience to climate change...
Zanzibar’s population in 2015 was approximately 1.23 million. Nearly 60 percent live in metropolitan or urban areas and almost30 percent in rural areas. In 2013, gross domestic product (GDP) was approximately...
Understanding risk (UR) is a global community of almost 3,500 experts and practitioners in the field of disaster risk assessment. Every two years, the global facility for disaster reduction and recovery...