In many nations today the state has little capability to carry out even basic functions like security, policing, regulation, or core service delivery. Enhancing this capability, especially in fragile states...
This paper examines de jure and de facto measures of regulations, finding the relationship between them is neither one for one, nor linear. "Doing Business" provides indicators of the formal time and costs...
This paper addresses some of the challenges facing fragile states. The paper has four sections, each of which introduces an odd phrase. The first takes the odd phrase of isomorphic mimicry from evolutionary...
Firms in Africa report "regulatory and economic policy uncertainty" as a top constraint to their growth. This paper argues that often firms in Africa do not cope with policy rules, rather they face deals:...
The global moving out of poverty study is unique in several respects. It is one of the few large-scale comparative research efforts to focus on mobility out of poverty rather than on poverty alone. The...
This paper compares the wages of workers inside the United States to the wages of observably identical workers outside the United States-controlling for country of birth, country of education, years of...
Are the requirements for effective learning in place in the rural Indian setting today? The answer is an unequivocal no. Looking at any metric of educational effectiveness, the picture suggests that these...
When the World Bank dreams of 'a world free of poverty,' what should it be dreaming? In measuring global income or consumption expenditure poverty, the World Bank has widely adopted the $1 a day standard...
Who is not poor? Dreaming of a World truly free of poverty by Lant Pritchett; reducing the incidence of low birth weight in low-income countries has substantial economic benefits by Harold Alderman, and...
Many oil, mineral, and plantation crop-based economies experienced a substantial deceleration in growth following the commodity boom and bust of the 1970s and early 1980s. This article illustrates how...
This paper is the written version of a lecture that draws principally on research on safety nets and operational experience with the implementation of safety nets, drawing heavily on the crisis of safety...
The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth by Jonathan Isham, Michael Woolcock, Lant Pritchett, and Gwen Busby; Attaching Workers...
The Social Sector Technical Assistance Credit for Bosnia and Herzegovina had the following ratings: the outcome was unsatisfactory, the sustainability was likely, the institutional development impact was...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...