This paper constructs indicators of structural bottlenecks arising from barriers to open markets, obstacles to business operations, and constraints to access to finance. Empirical evidence from a sample...
Reduction of large and persistent external imbalances is currently a key focus of G-20 discussions. The paper argues that in a progressively multipolar world economy, the goals of global rebalancing, growth...
The global financial crisis, the most severe since the great depression, is rapidly turning into a human and development crisis. The financial crisis originated in the developed world, but it has spread...
This Sixth Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, one of the world's best-known series of conferences, aims at the presentation, and discussion of new knowledge on development. The theme...
The author of this paper assesses the medium- to long-term outlook for global demand and supply of capital. He reaches the following conclusions: 1) the demand for investment funds in developing countries...
The paper describes and assesses intergovernmental fiscal relations in Indonesia and outlines options for reform. The discussion encompasses issues in all major aspects of fiscal relations between the...