Gender equality is a key pathway to ensuring lasting poverty reduction and shared prosperity. Identifying the main gender gaps that a country faces, across different domains, better informs policy design...
نوع الوثيقة: ورقة عمل
رقم التقرير: 136536
تاريخ الوثيقة: 2019/04/30
حالة الافصاح: Disclosed
المؤلف: Inchauste Comboni,Maria Gabriela,Tavares,Paula Magarinos Torres,Reteguis, Nayda Almodóvar,Moreno Herrera,Laura Liliana,Arceo-Gómez, Eva,Ríos Cázares, Alejandra,Santillán, Alma,Cadena Kotsubo,Kiyomi Erika,Iacovone,Leonardo,Saucedo Carranza,Cecilia Belem,Anderson,Mary Alice