This paper explores the link between jobs, access to Finance, and informality. Using longitudinal firm-level data for countries in the Middle East and North Africa, it documents that jobs creation is positively...
While the findings of this report refer to the pre-COVID-19 era, the ongoing COVID-19 crisis would further intensify Libya’s conflict-related crisis. COVID-19, in addition to creating a significant health...
A significant share of Egypt’s private sector is informal. The share of informal firms based on the CAPMAS Establishment Census (CEC) are the businesses that have a physical establishment. Across developing...
Informal jobs are often bad jobs, unproductive, poorly paid, risky, and unprotected. Informal firms perform poorly than their formal counterparts in terms of firm productivity, growth, and job creation...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes some of the challenges Egypt continues to face, and highlights opportunities for private sector-led economic development, investment and job-creating...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes some of the challenges Egypt continues to face, and highlights opportunities for private sector-led economic development, investment and job-creating...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes some of the challenges Egypt continues to face, and highlights opportunities for private sector-led economic development, investment and job-creating...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes some of the challenges Egypt continues to face, and highlights opportunities for private sector-led economic development, investment and job-creating...
Libya’s economic stability should be a priority for the international community. Although the private sector is an integral part of the Libyan economy, limited systematic information is available on how...
Jedad is a business-to-business networking initiative supported by the World Bank team that aims to boost access to market and sales opportunities for micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Jordan with...
This report has prepared under the patronage of the Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah Governorate, this report presents the findings of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s first Provincial Competitiveness Study, which...
The economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) grew several folds over the past decades, making impressive improvements in key development indicators, supported by massive investments in extractive...
Firm informality is pervasive throughout the developing world, Bangladesh being no exception. The informal status of many firms substantially reduces the tax basis and therefore impacts the provision of...
This paper reviews the literature on the role of the investment climate reforms in job creation. It finds that the current landscape of employment and private sector activity in developing countries indicates...
Informality is pervasive in developing countries. In Bangladesh, the majority of firms are informal and as such they might not have access to prime markets, while lowering the tax base. The authors implemented...