Over the past five years, the microcredit sector has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of borrowers served by microfinance institutions (MFIs) has increased threefold to reach 120 million clients...
Over the past five years, the microcredit sector has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of borrowers served by microfinance institutions (MFIs) has increased threefold to reach 120 million clients...
Over the past five years, the microcredit sector has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of borrowers served by microfinance institutions (MFIs) has increased threefold to reach 120 million clients...
Over the past five years, the microcredit sector has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of borrowers served by microfinance institutions (MFIs) has increased threefold to reach 120 million clients...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
Despite the financial crisis, in the past four years foreign investment in microfinance, including both debt and equity, has quadrupled to reach US$13 billion. This growth has been driven as much by public...
Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIVs) in 2010 are confronting the most challenging investment environment since the 1990s. Over the past two years, microfinance investors witnessed a handful of debt...
SKS, the largest microfinance institution (MFI) in India, opened its IPO on July 28, 2010, forging the way for other Indian MFIs to follow. The IPO valued SKS at 4.2 times its post-issue book value and...
SKS, the largest microfinance institution (MFI) in India, opened its IPO on July 28, 2010, forging the way for other Indian MFIs to follow. The IPO valued SKS at 4.2 times its post-issue book value and...
Foreign capital investment in microfinance has been booming over the past four years. Commercial cross-border debt and equity invested in microfinance surpassed US$11 billion in 2009, representing an estimated...
The past year held many challenges for microfinance: not since the Asian crisis of the late 1990s has the sector faced a more difficult economic environment. Yet despite these conditions, most micro-finance...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
This focus note begins by briefly telling the story of recent growth in the four countries leading into the credit delinquency crises. The second section describes the key contextual factors that affected...
تبدأ مذكرة المناقشة الحالية باستعراض موجز عن النمو الذي شهدته صناعة التمويل الأصغر مؤخراً في أربعة بلدان، وأدى إلى وقوع أزمات ارتفاع معدلات التأخر عن السداد. ويتناول القسم الثاني من المذكرة العوامل السياقية...
المملكة المغربية هي إحدى الدول الرائدة في مجال الائتمان الأصغر، إذ تفخر بأن بها 40 في المائة من مجموع العملاء في هذا المجال في العالم العربي، وتضم بعض أفضل مؤسسات التمويل الأصغر من حيث الأداء في العالم...
Morocco is a recognized microcredit champion, boasting 40 percent of client outreach in the Arab world and host to some of the best performing microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the world. But since 2007...
Morocco is a recognized microcredit champion, boasting 40 percent of client outreach in the Arab world and host to some of the best performing microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the world. But since 2007...