While the impact of COVID-19 on Sub-Saharan African labor markets is well documented, there is suggestive evidence that urban households may have fared particularly poorly. This paper uses data from high-frequency...
The study developed an analytical tool to support Kenya’s subnational governments to identify opportunities and barriers to realizing inclusive and sustainable private sector–led growth within their jurisdictions...
This book focuses on entry points for creation of better jobs through agricultural value chains and lays out the policy implications, using cassava, cashew, and plantation forestry as examples. It is based...
This book focuses on entry points for creation of better jobs through agricultural value chains and lays out the policy implications, using cassava, cashew, and plantation forestry as examples. It is based...
This report presents the results of the analysis of data collected on workers and clients using Biscate, a digital labor market matching platform for informal services workers in Mozambique. The platform...
Mozambique is about to face two transformative opportunities for accelerating the pace of poverty reduction: the prospect of major resource inflows from the extraction of liquid natural gas (LNG) and other...
This paper presents the rationale, the methodology and the results of the application of an innovative social rate of return (SRR) methodology in the context of an investment project (Gaza Solar Power...