Governments, automotive manufacturers, energy companies, charging infrastructure operators, mobility service providers, technology providers and aggregators across the globe are preparing themselves for...
This report presents: electricity-water-agriculture nexus; power subsidy to agriculture: socio economic context; Punjab: paani bachao paisa kamao scheme design; direct benefit transfer for electricity...
Simple economic principles tell us that investment begets investment and wealth creates wealth. Investment of money alone, however, is seldom enough to trigger this virtuous cycle, time, effort and substantial...
Development of power transmission networks requires long lead times and substantial capital. Optimization of investment is especially critical in fast-growing economies such as India’s, where there are...
This paper summarizes the findings of a study in rural load segregation for lighting rural India. The study focused on (i) analyzing differences in approach to rural feeder segregation across states, (ii)...
This report summarizes the findings of a World Bank study on India's recent experiences in rural feeder load segregation, undertaken at the request of India's Ministry of Power. This study's overall goal...