Bold policies needed to boost economic recovery and improve social stability. Like Hydra, the many-headed monster of Greek myth, COVID-19 (coronavirus) is proving hard to suppress even a year after the...
Realizing the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change will necessitate a timely transition of the global energy system out of coal, but evidence from Europe, China, and the United States shows...
Malaysia is likely to make the transition from an upper-middle-income economy to a high-income economy within the next five years, despite the setback of the COVID-19-induced recession in 2020. This transition...
In 2020, Malaysia passes a crucial milestone in its demographic trajectory and becomes an aging society. Driven by a precipitous decline in fertility accompanied by a sustained rise in life expectancy...
The impact of the pandemic is expected to lead to the first increase in global extreme poverty since 1998, effectively wiping out the progress made since 2017. Despite myriad challenges, there are encouraging...
This study aims to provide a quantitative and integrated analysis of long-term structural transformation and labor productivity growth in Malaysia. Using data from the Department of Statistics Malaysia...
Over the past 25 years, Malaysia’s productivity growth has been significant but below that in several regional and global comparators and has also been on a decline since the 2008 global financial crisis...
Malaysia’s economy has been severely affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. In 2020, Malaysia’s economy is projected to contract by 3.1 percent. In Q1 2020, growth slowed to just 0.7 percent...
Malaysia’s economy has been severely affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. In 2020, Malaysia’s economy is projected to contract by 3.1 percent. In Q1 2020, growth slowed to just 0.7 percent...
Across the globe, both cyclical downturns and structural changes episodically eliminate substantial numbers of jobs and in the process create serious dislocations. For instance, the rise in joblessness...
This note presents an international picture of measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic specifically for the elderly living residential facilities as a particularly vulnerable setting. For this purpose...
Malaysia is no stranger to external shocks affecting its macroeconomy. Over the past two decades, it was buffeted by the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC), the 2001 global slowdown after 9/11, and the...
The World Bank Group Global Knowledge and Research Hub in Malaysia is experiencing a year of transitions: firstly, moving into our next phase of operations, beginning July 1, 2020; and second, undergoing...
Many emerging economies have skills shortages but fail to effectively deploy students andjob seekers towards filling those shortages. In emerging economies, new technologies,digitization, automation, and...
The promotion of economic opportunities for women is one of the most promising avenues for Malaysia's future development. Closing gaps between men's and women's economic opportunities could boost Malaysia's...
In 2015, the World Bank embarked on a collaborative effort to understand and address the jobs challenge in Mindanao through the Mindanao Jobs Report (MJR). Good jobs — jobs that raise real income and lift...
This note argues that governments can address rising levels of income inequality not only by investing in areas such as social protection, health and education, but also by reforming their labor laws...
Growing risks weigh on the economic outlook. On the external front, a slowing global economy, rising concerns regarding the impact of US-China trade tensions and increased volatility in financial and commodity...