Economic activity in Uganda is accelerating despite commodity-price inflation, global monetary tightening, international supply-chain bottlenecks, and a local Ebola outbreak. Real GDP growth is estimated...
The Ugandan economy will need to grow rapidly, sustainably, and broadly (i.e., in a shared manner), to reach middle-income status, lift its population out of poverty, and generate enough jobs for one of...
New shocks hit the Ugandan economy in 2022, just as it was recovering as the COVID-19 pandemic waned and related mobility restrictions were fully removed. Commodity price surges and disruptions to trade...
The Ugandan economy is recovering from a sharp contraction due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) shock that had slowed growth to its lowest pace in over three decades. Real GDP growth is estimated to reach...
This makes debt and debt management transparency even more important. While new sources of funding can provide opportunities to advance development goals, they can also lead to significant economic costs...
Debt and debt management transparency improve accountability and, potentially, borrowing outcomes. Over the past decade, the emergence of new external creditors in Uganda has opened new sources of financing...
The development objective of Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM Project for Uganda is to strengthen institutions in management and financing of public investments, including...
Debt and debt management transparency improve accountability and, potentially, borrowing outcomes. Over the past decade, the emergence of new external creditors in Uganda has opened new sources of financing...
Uganda’s real GDP grew at 2.9 percent in FY20, less than half the 6.8 percent recorded in FY19, due to the effects of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis, and is expected to grow at a similar level in FY21...
After Uganda enjoyed two decades of strong growth and poverty reduction in the 1990s and early 2000s, its economy slowed down, and social progress decelerated amid a steady increase of the population...
Following the release of new GDP estimates, nominal GDP for FY18/19 increased and the structure of the economy has changed. In October 2019, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) released new GDP estimates...
The World Bank’s analysis of cross-country data on human capital indicates that Uganda is underinvesting in the future productivity of its citizens. A child born in Uganda today will onlybe 38 percent...
Real GDP growth rebounded strongly to 6.1 percent in FY17/18, from 3.9 percent the previous year. The rebound was largely driven by a pick-up in investments and exports, and on the back of strengthened...