The Survey of Well-being via Instant and Frequent Tracking (SWIFT) program was created in 2014 to produce poverty statistics cost-effectively, timely, and in a user-friendly manner. Under the SWIFT program...
Women in Sri Lanka have achieved high levels of human development and education. Yet surprising gaps in their progress remain. For instance, the majority of Sri Lankan women still rely on the informal...
The Ethiopia Urban Land Supply and Affordable Housing Study (EULSAH) responds to the request fromthe Government of Ethiopia (GoE), Ministry of Urban Development and Construction to carry outfollow-on technical...
This paper intends to inform the effort of the Sri Lankan government to reform the targeting efficacy of its social protection programs, in particular, Samurdhi, which currently distributes benefits based...
This paper intends to inform the effort of the Sri Lankan government to reform the targeting efficacy of its social protection programs, in particular, Samurdhi, which currently distributes benefits based...
This paper intends to inform the effort of the Sri Lankan government to reform the targeting efficacy of its social protection programs, in particular, Samurdhi, which currently distributes benefits based...
This paper proposes diagnostics to assess the accuracy of survey-to-survey imputation methods and applies them to examine why imputing from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey into the Labor Force...