Despite decades of war and instability, Iraq's abundant natural resources, strategic geographic location and cultural history endow it with tremendous potential for growth and diverse economic development...
The January 25th revolution is an enormously important political event for Egypt, but attention to its economic consequences is also vital. The Egyptian revolution reflected a popular movement in favor...
Yemen's political and security crises have exacted a terrible toll on its people in terms of human losses, poverty, malnutrition, and economic decline. Emerging from conflict and violence and moving towards...
The Middle East North Arica (MENA) region faces no greater challenge than employment generation. An expanding literature on 'gazelles' suggests that a small percentage of fast-growing small and medium...
The report starts with an introductory chapter that sets the stage for the issues and provides a short historical background on the development of the private sector in Middle East and North Africa (MENA)...
This issue of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Governance News and Notes includes the following headings: a note from the publisher; why governance matters for growth and investment in MENA, by Andrew...
يتضمن هذا العدد رؤوس الموضوعات التالية: مقدمة الناشر؛ إدارة الحكم والنمو والاستثمار في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا بقلم أندرو إتش دبليو ستون؛ ومقابلة مع شخصية بارزة في مجال إدارة الحكم: محمود محي...
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lebanon Country Office. This issue features: Editorial: Modernizing Lebanon's Public Procurement; Oil Boom Marked by Expenditure Restraint; Recent Economic...
في هذا الإصدار: مقال رئيسي: تحديث عمليات التوريد في القطاع العام في لبنان؛ الطفرة النفطية والضوابط على الإنفاق؛ التطورات الاقتصادية الأخيرة؛ عمليات مجموعة البنك الدولي؛ تحسين نظام تسجيل مؤسسات الأعمال...
أدت العولمة إلى زيادة الضغوط التنافسية على الشركات؛ فقد تغيرت بيئة العمل التي تعمل فيها الشركات بسببها وبسبب التغيرات التكنولوجية السريعة. وعلى الرغم من أن العولمة تتيح فرصاً غير مسبوقة للشركات لتحقيق...
Globalization has increased competitive pressures on firms. Together with rapid technological change, it has altered the environment in which firms operate. While globalization offers unprecedented opportunities...
Governance is the way in which public power and authority is formed and used to control and manage society's resources. Good governance rests on four pillars: (a) accountability, meaning that public officials...
This report analyzes the procedural and organizational dynamics that enabled Mexico's economic solidarity pact and subsequent agreements to help control inflation and initiate significant restructuring...
Firm-level surveys are a systematic way of including the views and experiences of individual private firms in the design of policy programs to remove constraints to private sector growth. The surveys often...
Firm-level surveys elicit information important to formulating sound policy advice and designing projects to promote private sector development. Drawing on recent World Bank experience in eight countries...